Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Auburn game, around the house and a puppy playdate

The weather has been so cold that we haven't really been up to much that I would consider exciting by any stretch of the imagination. Here are some family shots from around the house and Maggie's big Puppy playdate fun.

Parker getting ready for the Auburn game
 Off to see the Coaches Trophy

Lilly not impressed

Parker and Brayden with the trophy, this was like Disney to Parker
Mags and Parker
Lilly making circles

Brayden getting some rest

Sierra and Maggie avoiding a cold Saturday

Lilly proud of her bow
She swore she had soap in her eye, this is a doll play bottle of soap

Parker took this, thought I'd include it to prove my existance

Lilly and Bray

Parker, Lilly, Brayden and Maggie

Maggie and Bray

Rob and the little kids

Maggie riding shot gun to the dog park

Jenifer, Sully's mom, playing with the pups

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